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Regarded Coaches, You can make a unique tactic board, with a design according to your wishes. Our Company FUNTACTIC D.O.O. is a manufacturer of tactic boards and a leader at the regional market.

We have equipped many National federations, as well as Clubs in our country and Worldwide, from amateur leagues, as well as teams and national teams who have won medals at the highest sport competitions.

Our years of experience and names of coaches, that use our products, speak best of our quality.

Coaching boards are made of durable material with the most quality print and a protective material, which is easily wiped.  In combination with a nice design, they are a required accessory for every coach.

We make dry erase boards, magnetic boards, and locker room boards. Also, we make scorers table equipment sets. Our NEW product is a Tactic Folder, which is used to organize documents, and at the same time it is a dry erase board.

A board is a means for coaching, for visual explaining tactics to players for certain sports. Also, our product is an ideal gift for every coach, and for your sport partners.

Definition of Tactics:

Tactic is a short-term action plan in order to achieve a practical goal.

Great coaches in the gallery with our tactic board

Photos of great coaches, that use our coaching boards for their teams, can reassure you about our quality more than we can. If we succeeded to fulfill requests of such experts, we are sure that you will be satisfied also.